Historical Background of the Hospitality Industry ...

The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key drivers of growth among the services sector in India. The second-largest sub-segment of the services sector comprising trade, repair services, hotels and restaurants contributed nearly US$ 295.7 billion or 19.2 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015-16, while growing at 8.9 per cent year-on-year. Tourism in India has significant potential considering the rich cultural and historical heritage, variety in ecology, terrains and places of natural beauty spread across the country. Tourism is also a potentially large employment generator besides being a significant source of foreign exchange for the country.
The industry is expected to generate 13.45 million jobs! across sub-segments such as Restaurants (10.49 million jobs), Hotels (2.3 million jobs) and Travel Agents/Tour Operators (0.66 million). The Ministry of Tourism plans to help the industry meet the increasing demand of skilled and trained manpower by providing hospitality education to students as well as certifying and upgrading skills of existing service providers.

India has moved up 13 positions to 52nd rank from 65th in Tourism & Travel competitive index@. Tourism Australia expects Indian tourist’s arrivals in Australia to increase 12 per cent year-on-year to reach 245,000 visitors during FY 2015-16, thus making India the eighth largest source market for tourism in Australia.

Historical Background of the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a mammoth of a sector raking in trillions of US Dollar in revenue each year. And, travellers always seek hospitable places to kick back and relax, away from all the hustle and bustle of everyday routine. Although most modern hotels feature clients`experience and conveniences such as television, minibars, en-suite showers, they fulfill the same purpose of ancient inns but with improved services.

(Ranch Built in 1896-  Bow Valley Ranche) 

Here is a quick tour of the history of hospitality industry. Journey to the memory lane for hospitality industry

Early Hospitality
The industry itself dates back to the ancient Greek times and even before that. In this epoch, the hoteliers were always hospitable as they felt it was in accordance to their well-being and those of others. It was around 40 BC according to experts when hospitality services for social and religious gatherings were quite a common phenomenon. It was about this time that Greeks came up with thermal baths that were designed for recuperation and relaxation.

These thermal baths are said to be 
the origin of what we know as modern day Spa.
There are enough evidences now that historical background of hospitality industry will pull us back to pre-historic times. Then came the Romans who provided accommodation for travellers on government premises. Here, comfort and entertainment was the name of the game.

(Exotic Menu as a part of ancient Roman hospitality) 

When the Roman used to travel, 
they sought pleasure leading to development of early inns. 
Medieval Period for hospitality industry, this was the era that started with English travel and excursions when they built inns as their private residences. The nobility use to stay in the monasteries. Then came into existence the caravanserais that provided resting destinations for the caravans along Middle Eastern routes along with the monasteries and abbeys, these places became the first establishment to offer refuge to travellers. The Persians along the caravan routedeveloped inns and post houses, these were used to provide accommodations and nourishments to both soldiers and couriersBy Marco Polo’s time of his journey to the Far East, he estimated that there were 10,000 such post houses located 25 miles apart. He described them as “suitable for a King” hence giving a great significance to always making your visitor want more after your service.

Marco Polo initiated through his 
memoirs what we know as travel diaries of today.
His book helped a lot others to explore the world. This gave rise to what we know as modern day customer service as an essence of hospitality. One of our other article discusses more about service in hospitality industry .

In 1282 in Florence Italy, the great innkeepers integrated an association with an aim of turning hospitality into a business in its own right.They had to garner a permit to import and sell wine which later led to the spread of hospitality elsewhere.

The New World of hospitality- 
Renaissance and the French Revolution
Then comes the period of 16th century, when the demand of the inns and taverns increased multiple folds.The first hospitality establishment as a hotel was built around this time. It was named Hotel de Henry or Hotel de Salm  and was built around 1788 (names have changed over the years).

However, the first hotel tag
goes to Koshu Nishiyama Hotel in
Japan which is said to be over 1300 years old.
The hotel is still accepting guest and is run by the same family for several generations. These hotels created the trend and world followed the model and started creating eateries and places to rest and sleep. Like England and New York made taverns, Pennsylvania made inns, and the Southern colonies formed ordinaries. The French revolution changed the features of culinary and future of the hospitality industry.

Nineteenth Century and 
twentieth century for hospitality and tourism
We saw the beginning of luxury Hotels and resorts from the nineteenth century. London had its hotel named as Savoy Hotel and New York had Delmonico. These created stellar luxury and service standards. What followed was a flurry of great hotels, a lot of which are still creating new standards of hospitality.

These largest hotel chains seem to have answered well the ‘what is hospitality industry’ question over the years. The aspects and features of the hospitality industry have undergone massive transformation over time since the Colonial Period. There were two world wars that disrupted the growth of hospitality in twentieth century.

What ensued after the world wars 
was a growth in dark tourism or ‘Thanatourism’.
History of Hospitality industry also shows us some of the darker sides as the industry goes on to absorb all shades of tourism. Hospitality industry as an organized industry was formed in the 1950s or 1960s when a proper structure was formed. The industrial revolution which began in the 1970s facilitated the construction of hotels in Europe, England, and America with the French and Italian veterans following suit. Here’s a look of the Meadow’s club built in the early 1930’s as the first Hotel and Casino is Las Vegas.

(First Casino Hotel in Las Vegas)

Modern Hospitality industry
Nowadays, architects, engineers, designers, developers, and managers are conscious of the taste of guest according to their wishes. Today’s hoteliers analyse new trends to define better criteria and provide modern standards to improve the quality of life in hotels. The industry has developed a lot. The casual dining has seen growth, as well as the chain of hotels has increased. With brands like Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott, Starwood, Ritz etc. the hospitality industry seems to be doing quite well. Thousands of hotel rooms are in pipeline and transportation for travel has taken a leap into the future. The tourism industry has a new era of better growth and innovation. 

With the future growth in vicinity and greater interest of people in travelling, future of hospitality industry looks bright.